viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Hi! It´s june and my english class finished soon. Every friday we had to write in the blog about a theme. It didn´t enjoy me but I believe that It had a lot of positive things. It was so tiring because sometimes ideas didn´t appear because I was exahusted for the heavy day (all days in my career are exahusting), and I had to squeeze my head for think something. However I know that blogging experience was neccesary for our english learning.

Blogging experience helps me to improve my English relative to remember the vocabulary that I had forgotten and also remember rules of redaction. In these aspects blogging experience was very productive for me.

In my opinion the advantages of blogging in the English class were the learning in contact with technology and the possibility that we can express our points of view about different themes... favoring english lenguage development. Relative to advantages I believe that the time gave for write in the blog sometimes was insufficient because we don´t know how to speak a perfect english, only we know the basics,....then we needed time for search unknown words and do a work without redaction wrongs.

In general I liked my English class but I prefer the interactive ones, for example do posters, do a play, sing songs in english, etc :) ..however I understand that it wasn’t possible for the reduced time.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

A talk review

Hi friends!! I have seen the video: Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do schools kill creativity "... and respect to this I´m completely agree with sir Ken Robinson. In my opinion, society have forgotten the true meaning of the words "passion and vocation".In the school teachers thought us a lot of things very important such math, chemical, biology, etc, but they dont´t teach to enhance our innate art skills. Will be wonderful that one day the society will start to educate us for be the best musician or the best dancing for example. But no....... we are in a revolution where the most important is have a big head with a million of knowledge ... and with that you are the best. This is the most stupid of the world for me!!! because when you do something that you love, you will be happy doing that.. well... then in the future the society will have a million of people with a "big head" but the majority unhappy. Will be the world of the bitters................... I hope that one day the situation change.. It will be the best for all.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job in the future would be have a pregnancy center where women can do exercises like a style of yoga, activities in waterpool and with balls... for do easier the pregnancy and the birth.
For this job I need skills like dedication, knowledge and the most important: Love for my labor.
I would be good in my job because just now I`m preparing me for in the future be a excelent midwife... and for this I ´m studing in the best college of Chile.

My ideal job is very difficult to find, because It isn´t a job in a hospital or a place where someone recruit me..... is a job where I will be my own chief, because the center will be mine. However I will fight for be the best in my area and can be a big midwife. In my career we are 107 people, and all want to finish the career and get the title... but only a few will do this.

I know that in the first time I will have to work in hospital or clinic...but this will be only in the first time because I will fight for be the best in my area....

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Your favourite subject

Today I will write about my favourite subject in my career.
My favourite subject is "bases celulares y genéticas del desarrollo ontogénico humano", especially Embriology. I like embryology because is very important and principal to know in my career. mY teachers are Felipe Venegas, Mariana Rojas and Miguel Concha. In embryology the teachers teach about the development of the embryo since fertilization until birth. We learn about the development of heart, nervous system, extremities, etc. This is very important to know because we cannot work in a job if we don´t have the basic knowledge.
This semester I have learned a lot of thinks such as cellular and molecular biology, genetic, and like I wrote previously: EMBRYOLY my favourite, in this I has learnerd the anatomy of baby in each month... the changes that experiment.. and the pregressive development.

In general I love my career but especially this subject!

A talk review


lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

My future!

hi! In the next 5 years...I`will be the best midwife in the world! I will be working in other city in south of Chile... like Concepción.. Osorno.. I don´t know!! but I will work in south.. helping to women that don´t have a lot of amenities. Maybe I will be thinking in get married :O jajaja or maybe I will have a baby...

In the first moment I will be living in Viña del Mar in a big house with my boyfriend or husband and then I will live in the south in a big house too, with a sector for attend births. I love the dogs... and i will have a big dogggggggg!!!!!!!.. mmm noo! no only one! I will have a lot of dogs! a million of dogs! My garden will be big and with a lot of trees... all will be green.

My family will come to visist me all months!! and when my parents will be very olds... they will live with me.

I will be very happy because my future will be perfect for me....... That I hope :D

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

hi friends! today I´m going to write you about the best person in my area: My aunt Marisol, she is midwife and I feel admiration for her. She always has loved babies... and when I was a little girl, I listened conversations in that she explain to my mum the fabulous of the career. I said; When I will be a adult, I will be like my aunt Marisol. A time the love for obstetric disappeared of my life, but in secundary I only had eyes for babies. My aunt is charge of neonatology and gets congretulations of the mothers that have births with her. Is so concerned, responsible, and I `am very proud of her. I´m very happy because I has followed the way of my aunt, and it`is a very cute way!!!!! the most cute of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!