Today I will write about my favourite subject in my career.
My favourite subject is "bases celulares y genéticas del desarrollo ontogénico humano", especially Embriology. I like embryology because is very important and principal to know in my career. mY teachers are Felipe Venegas, Mariana Rojas and Miguel Concha. In embryology the teachers teach about the development of the embryo since fertilization until birth. We learn about the development of heart, nervous system, extremities, etc. This is very important to know because we cannot work in a job if we don´t have the basic knowledge.
This semester I have learned a lot of thinks such as cellular and molecular biology, genetic, and like I wrote previously: EMBRYOLY my favourite, in this I has learnerd the anatomy of baby in each month... the changes that experiment.. and the pregressive development.
My favourite subject is "bases celulares y genéticas del desarrollo ontogénico humano", especially Embriology. I like embryology because is very important and principal to know in my career. mY teachers are Felipe Venegas, Mariana Rojas and Miguel Concha. In embryology the teachers teach about the development of the embryo since fertilization until birth. We learn about the development of heart, nervous system, extremities, etc. This is very important to know because we cannot work in a job if we don´t have the basic knowledge.
This semester I have learned a lot of thinks such as cellular and molecular biology, genetic, and like I wrote previously: EMBRYOLY my favourite, in this I has learnerd the anatomy of baby in each month... the changes that experiment.. and the pregressive development.
In general I love my career but especially this subject!
Just a few corrections:
ResponderEliminar-Mind your spelling!: "I haVE learned a few thinGs...EMBRYOLOGY...the anatomy of A baby each month (not in each ...)...the changes that IT (the embryo) experiments...prOgressive.