Hi friends! Today I´m going to tell you about my career and the challenges in this. In the different areas of my discipline, there are a lot of challengues for midwives.
For example, with respect to technology there are instruments and objects that I have to learn to use.. for example a spectacle, ultrasound, stethoscope, monitors, technology of delivery room, pressure kit, etc. This should be resolved if we study hard, and practice early the use of pressure kit. stethoscope, etc.. for this we are actually in university.. for learn and be in the future the best midwives and here we will learn the use of the instruments of our discipline. In education the challenge of midwives will be teach to people about topics like sex education, birth control, family orientation, breastfeeding classes, etc...this should be resolved with better educational programs...and for do that we have to know to do a good analysis of population and identify the main needs. This is achieved only if we have the disposition and desire for a healthier society... I mean with vocation. With respect to social Matters, the rol and the challenge of midwives is fight for improve society in relation to health.. for this we need vocation of service and love for job.
The critical issues involved in each area are:
with respect to techcology.. in the future will be more new instruments because te technology is evolving. With respct to education.. day to day therea are new problems in society .. and new challenges for us.. for example new diseases, ore unwanted pregnancies, more deaths for sexually transmitted diseases like SIDA..etc.
I believe that for be a good professional and the best midwife, the most importante is the love for the career.. and with this love.. the challenges that appear on the way .. will be easily solved.
Well friend.. take care. kisses
Fran :)
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Hace 14 años
Hello my dear, I read your text and I agree with you with respect to the most important to carry out the challenges, is to love obstetrics ,thus being a good professional.